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Purposely Simple and Privacy Focused

Organize Your Notes

No Tracking - Notes and Data stay completely under your control

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Use Pictures as Reminder Cards for Topics

Organize your notes by topic streams with a business card or picture a the top and notes logged below.

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Export The Database

You Can Export the Notes Database and Import it On another Device Running TeSOA

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(T)h(e) (S)imple (O)rganizer (A)pp

Finally, an App Designed for Privacy and Reduced Complexity - Helps you focus on Note content instead of distracting features.

Its Purposely Simple! Privacy focused, no trackers, no 3rd parties.
Your Data stays under your control at all times.

The Simple Organizer App, is simply the Best Note taking app and organizer for privacy focused thinkers who want to take notes and organize them without being tracked by 3rd party trackers

Enables You To Organize And Document Life's Events Over Time, Safely, with built in Search and Portability

The App Does Not Track You. Your Data Stays In Your Control At All Times.

Your Notes Are Portable, You can export the Notes Database and import in into other devices running TeSOA

Organize your notes by topic streams with a business card or picture at the top and event text logged in time sequence with most recent items at the top.

You can also input a “quick call” number for each topic so you can quickly contact the POC for a given topic.

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Examples Below

The TeSOA App Is Very Intuitive. The Image Below Shows How To Use The Quick Call Feature To Call Your Automobile Service Technician. You Simply Update the Number and It can Initiate The Call Whenever Needed By Long Clicking the "Reminder Card [Call]" Text

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The Image Below Shows How To Select A Reminder Card Using An Existing Image Found In Your Photos App (You Can Also Use the Built In "Take Picture" Option To Create A Reminder Image).

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The Image Below Shows How To Create A Reminder Card Using Built In "Take Picture" Option To Create A Reminder Image. To Preview the Image, You Can "Click To Take Picture" Many Times To Get Right Resolution Before Clicking The "OK" Button to Put The Picture In Place As A Reminder Card

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The Image Below Shows Examples Of Events That You Can Track With The TeSOA App

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The Image Below Shows Where To Click on The App's About Page So You Can Optionally Export The Database To Another Location So Your Data Remains With You In Case You Get Another Device. You Can Optionally Import Your Database if You Previously Exported It From Another Device. If You Want To Start With A New Database, Click The "Create New Database" Option To Delete All Previous Logged Events And Memory Cards. This Cannot Be Undone So Please Be Careful.

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